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Helen is taken to a house where she is held with six other girls by white slavers.

公開者: hairyhandedgent


Millions of ******** have heard the story

of Little Red Riding Hood,

the *********** who went alone to the woods

to visit her ailing grandmother,

only to run afoul of a vicious wolf.

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It was just a bedtime story for the **********,

yet many of these same ************,

blossoming into lovely young maidens,

failed to heed its lifelong object lesson.

Statistics released by the International Agencies

of Investigation are constantly revealing cases

of young women who fall into the clutches

of organized procurers for the *********** market,

vicious human wolves who masquerade

in the sheep's clothing of respectability.

While many are dragged underground

to a life of shameful prostitution,

there are the rare few who survive the experience

to finally take the stand as the star witness

in the prosecution of these lecherous lords

of the underworld.

The documented motion picture you are about to see

is the story of a ********** we shall call Helen Doe,

and the narration is directly adapted

from Helen's own taped testimony.

Was I glad the sheriff came along and rescued me.

His was the first friendly face I'd seen in days and nights

of the most frightful experiences I'd ever been through

in my entire life.


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  • 01:00:07